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Sign-Up / Renewal Forms
Individual Membership (Annual)
Free access to networking events and parties.
Free access to two seminars per year, and discounted member pricing for all other paid events.
Posting privileges to the ILAS Blog
Eligibility to stand for ad hoc committees or other groups formed by the association to organise events or prepare reports on specific areas of insurance law.
Corporate Membership (Annual)
Free access for a maximum of five persons to networking events and parties.
Free access for a maximum of five persons to two seminars per year, and discounted member pricing for all other paid events.
Hosting of corporate logo on the ILAS Website
Eligibility to submit up to two candidates to stand for appointment to ad hoc committees or other groups to organise events or prepare reports on specific areas of insurance law.
Member benefits
We host multiple seminars and training sessions per year for industry professionals looking to broaden their understanding of contemporary insurance law issues. Our sessions are targeted at various expertise levels and ideal for cross-disciplinary training.
Members get access to our biannual networking cocktail events and year-end parties.
Knowledge building.
ILAS seeks to raise industry service standards and local jurisprudence by creating awareness of global insurance trends and the potential implications for industry stakeholders.
Our membership comprises professionals from all facets of the insurance industry: claims managers, loss adjusters, lawyers, brokers, forensic accountants, agents, and so on.